A Dream(liner) Come True | Hawaiian Airlines

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A Dream(liner) Come True

Selecting a new aircraft for our fleet is by far one of the most exciting aspects of my job.

a row of seats in an airplane
(ABOVE) Hawaiian Airlines’ flagship Boeing 787 Dreamliners, which will enter service in early 2024, include thirty-four luxury suites with fully lie-flat seating.

Selecting a new aircraft for our fleet is by far one of the most exciting aspects of my job. It is also one of the most challenging decisions for an airline, involving nearly every department. The complex considerations go beyond capital cost and operating expenses-like fuel consumption and maintenance-to not-so-obvious but important details about cabin configuration, seats and technology, just to name a few.

In the spring of 2018, after extensive analysis and a competitive process, the Boeing 787-9 emerged as the winning candidate to be Hawaiian's next flagship aircraft, and we signed an order for ten 787s to propel our company into our next phase of growth. We were preparing to welcome our first 787 in early 2021, when the pandemic compelled us to make an even more difficult decision: pause aircraft deliveries while we navigated the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19.

Until now. 

It has not been easy to keep that first 787 in storage for all this time while also containing our excitement for this incredible new aircraft. With the pandemic behind us and our recovery in gear, Hawaiian's first 787-9 is finally ready to debut on our network early next year. The timing is fortuitous: Our 787s will now enter service right as we celebrate our milestone ninety-fifth year. Every element of this aircraft is akin to a love story for Hawaii, evoking the rich natural world of the Islands through bold textures, soothing sunrise and sunset lighting and flowing ocean and wind patterns. 

Along with a new look and feel, we are launching our latest and best premium product yet, Leihoku (garland of stars): thirty-four luxury suites with fully lie-flat seats set in a 1-2-1 configuration, with doors that offer privacy or a shared experience, giving couples traveling to Hawaii the opportunity to fall asleep side-by-side beneath a starlit ceiling. In honoring the pioneers who came before us, each aircraft's name also pays homage to the constellations ancient Polynesian wayfinders used to traverse the Pacific Ocean.

The 787 offers enhanced cabin air filtration, and its lighter-but-stronger carbon-fiber composite airframe permits travel at a lower cabin altitude, resulting in a more comfortable and fuel-efficient flight. Our guests will also notice a quieter cabin thanks to acoustic-treated engine inlets, extra-large dimmable windows, spacious overhead bins and lavatory toilets and touchless faucets. Mix those elements with an evocative, Hawaii cabin design and the unparalleled Hawaiian hospitality of our crew, and you'll get the most relaxing and enjoyable choice for travel to and from the Hawaiian Islands. 

Our commitment to the 787 is so strong that we increased our order to twelve aircraft earlier this year. Admittedly, we've had to wait for our Dreamliners longer than we expected-but that waiting also made it one of the most highly anticipated events in our company's recent history. More than anything, we can't wait to share our excitement with you on a future Hawaiian Airlines flight.

From our ohana to yours,

Signature that reads Peter


Story By Peter Ingram

Photos By Courtesy of Hawaiian Airlines

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